Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Orientation Week
So anyway orientation week starts TODAY.blek explain my un-hyperness.n honestly orientation days r not fun if you are getting bullied but it will b fun if u r bullying other anyway to kick start orientation week we have to drink this super gross pink stuff wic consist of celery,carrot,potato,pasta sauce and god knows what.n it SUCKKK.i cant believe i m that stupid to actually drank the whole thing while other people just take tiny gulps.*bangs head* stupid me n i nearly puke into the cup but thank god i brought water laa.then had to collect at least 35 signatures from the seniors n those kind of crap but damn its damn tiring laa.n we might as well label ourself " SINGING JUNIORS" cause the seniors are damn uncreative lot n mainly ask us to sing.i sang like a grand total of 5 times.but yay i gotten 12 signatures!!!! *skips* n tip to girls = get the guys seniors signatures cos seriously wei the guy seniors that i so far bumped just mainly ask me some stupid questions like "why do u tink i put this nickname?" "what are your hobbies?" and those kind of stuff and sign for me !!! while the girls r da mean ones one of them ask me to stand in front of a teacher and do the hail thing and another ask me to sing and dance to a pussycat song WTH but at least i consider myself a bit lucky cause manpreet had to like proposed to a guy, say i love you or sumthing like that to a bunch of seniors those kind of things and khai wern hav to ran across the court or sumthing poor things oh ya and another tip is that to get signatures the harmless way its better not 2 b too hyper cause u r an easy target to do silly things.this comes from experience man.and its good to not be too striking looking also as guys tend to have bad intentions good example manpreet.ohooho
await for more updates of orientation week!!!!!

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