Event: last hangkai trip with beverly
Venue:Berjaya Times Square
okiesss!!! 2day dun hav lan!!!! wheeeee~~~ so go out for the very last time wiv beve n her boyfren joyce n me bcome lamp post a.g.a.i.n this is wat happen wen all ur frens hav boyfren n u r stil single o.o den bump around at kfc n den arcade i luv playing d racing car!!! altho i sucked at it but its soo u noe give u d adrenalin rush n all n i dun hav any sense of rhythm cos in d drums thing i got 2% while beve got 98% O.O den whoa lala heaven n all n saw these lala girl dancing d dancing machine n tey r really gud weiiii den oso play d basketball thingy wic is ok i guess fter bumping around,den watch perfect stranger wic is an odd show a seriously odd show n i come out of it feeling cheated personally i would give it a rating of ermm 3 stars for the acting haha but bewarned d story is a bit twisted haha n how come tey didnt sensored d thingy arr? cos gt all d F-word n all n a lot of hamsap scenes n halle berry looks really good weii for a 30 yr old n stuff
ok den wat happen? ermm nothin happen den i giv beverly my letter den go home n now here i m bloggin!!!
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